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DIY Flea Spray - Must Have

DIY Flea Spray - Must Have

As fleas and related issues become more prevalent, there's a concerning surge in the use of chemical-laden products to combat them. But do we really need to resort to harsh chemicals and toxins? Many of us are now acutely aware of the dangers they pose to our beloved pets. As caring pet parents, it's distressing to feel cornered into using these potentially harmful solutions.

Fortunately, there's a safer and more natural alternative. Essential oils and various herbs, trusted for centuries in human and animal care, offer a gentler approach to repelling pests. Among these remedies, one stands out: a DIY flea spray that has been a staple in our households for years, effectively warding off fleas without exposing our furry friends to harmful chemicals.

This DIY flea spray is a must-have for every pet parent. Plus, its versatility extends to stray dogs, offering them relief from those pesky fleas naturally. You can apply on them with ease and its safe for regular application.

It's important to note that consistency is key with natural remedies. Unlike chemicals that persist in the system, natural options require regular application—think of it as part of your pre-walk routine. While chemicals may swiftly kill fleas, they can also harm our pets in the process. With natural solutions, we can protect our furry companions without compromising their well-being.

Here's the recipe;

Step 1:
In a jar, add 1 cup witch hazel

Step 2:

To this, add pure aloe vera gel. You can use fresh or packed pure gel.


Step 3:

No add 10 - 15 drops of Eucalyptus & Tea tree essential oils. 

Step 4:

2 Spoons of Itch relief oil - this is packed with neem and karanj that keeps fleas away and coconut & castor that keeps skin moisturised and prevents dryness.

You can get the oil here ( )

Step 6:

Add one cup water 


Step 7:

Shake well & your diy flea spray is ready to use! Do not spray on open wounds and cover eyes & nose while spraying or keep away from them. There are no chemicals but the open wounds and eyes can still get irritated with direct application.

Storage Instructions:

Remember we have not added any preservatives in them so they need to be refrigerated. This recipe will last for about a week. Make small fresh batches for maximum benefit. 

Apply before every walk - its safe for regular & daily use.


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